Driving at night is substantially riskier than during the day, so it's not just paranoia. A fatal accident is three times more likely to occur at night than during the day. We cannot see as well in the dark, which is the leading cause.
You have less time and room to stop since you can see less of the road before you. Ironically, some types of light, such as the glare from too bright lights, might exacerbate the issue. But additional elements make nighttime driving more difficult.
This post will go over some suggestions for increasing your nighttime driving safety.
1. Drive in Defense Mode
After nightfall, drinking and driving are riskier. Nearly four times more fatal crashes involving alcohol-impaired driving occur at night than during the day. Of course, you should never drive after drinking, regardless of the time of day, and the same goes for distracted driving. However, you need to be extra vigilant regarding defensive driving at night.
2. Combat Exhaustion
Most crashes involving sleepy drivers occur between midnight and six in the morning. Therefore, stay vigilant during these times and be aware that there may be tired drivers on the road. Obtain some caffeine, halt for the night, or relax in a secure location. Other activities that some drivers claim to be beneficial include singing or talking to themselves while driving, turning on the radio (but not too loudly), and occasionally rolling down the windows for fresh air.
3. Steer Clear of two-lane roads
Due to the headlights of oncoming vehicles, the lower total illumination, and the fact that these routes frequently have more abrupt curves and hills than a freeway, two-lane highways may be the "worst-case scenario" for nighttime glare. Take a safer path at night if you can.
4. Clean Your View
Windshields that are dirty or broken may scatter light and amplify glare's effects. Additionally, the group notes that having dusty or broken headlights might reduce visibility and glare at approaching vehicles. As a result, routinely clean your windshield and headlights. You can use a headlight cleaning kit.
5. Be Patient
Due to reduced visibility and slower reaction times, speeding-related crashes cause 37% more fatalities when driving at night than during the day. For instance, even at 40 mph, you need 190 feet to stop when your headlight generally illuminates 160 feet in front of you. Consider conditions like visibility when adjusting your speed.
6. Correctly Angle Your Headlights
If the beams slant down too far, you will lose some required illumination while driving. However, if they tilt too far, they risk blinding approaching drivers. You should take the initiative to ensure that your headlights are oriented appropriately, even if your state's annual inspection tests don't include a headlight angle check. "Normally, this is not a DIY project. We suggest you seek assistance from your car dealer or a repair shop.
7. Modify the Interior Lighting
Glancing from the dashboard to the dark road in front of you can be confusing if your dashboard lights are too bright. Use your visors at night to protect you from glare and street lighting, and dim the interior lights so that essential controls are visible but not distracting. Many modern vehicles include mirrors that automatically reduce the brightness of bright light reflections.
8. Utilize High Beams When Necessary
Although rarely used, high beams are beneficial on open roads, especially in rural areas. Just remember to turn them off if you're following another car and to dim them when you're 500 feet or less from an approaching vehicle (so you don't momentarily blind the other driver). When shopping for a new car, we advise you to seek adaptive lighting systems, which automatically change your highlights in response to the presence of other vehicles.
9. Face the Correct Direction
While you should constantly keep your eyes on the road, try not to stare at approaching headlights or maintain a fixed glance. The right edge of the road or lane markers can serve as guidance to help you keep on course when coming from an approaching vehicle to prevent being blinded by its headlights. Once you have passed the approaching car, raise your gaze back up.
10. Be Aware Of Wildlife
Animal collisions frequently occur at dusk or night and are more frequent during the winter. You may see an animal's sparkling eyes with the aid of your powerful lasers. The safest approach to preventing a collision when you see one is to slow down and stop, not to swerve.
Nighttime is when animals are more active, especially in rural regions. If you notice any animals or luminous eyes reflecting in your headlights, pay attention to the sides of the road and proceed cautiously.
11. Test and use your lights
Regularly test your lights, including the high beams, daytime running lights, turn signals, and brake lights. And remember to utilize your headlights to keep visible; you should do so not only when it's dark out but also in inclement weather like rain, snow, and hail.
12. Protect your eyes
Get a yearly eye exam; as people age, glare threatens their eyesight more. At night, you could also require a different prescription.
13. Extend your following distance
Unlike what you would do during the day, allow a wider following distance. As a result, you have more time to respond to unexpected halts or impediments. Some motorists can be tired or struggle with nighttime vision. Keep an eye out for unpredictable driving patterns and give them more room.
14. Take breaks
Take frequent pauses if you're traveling late at night to prevent weariness. Stretch your legs and stop at well-lit rest stops to allow yourself to relax.
In conclusion
Due to diminished vision, driving at night might create particular difficulties. We've talked about precautions to take when driving at night. Among them is ensuring your headlights are functionally sound: ensuring that they are clear, positioned correctly, and emitting enough light.
Any dim or broken bulbs should be replaced. Remember that it's preferable to find a safe spot to pull over and relax than to continue driving if you feel overly weary or find it difficult to concentrate.
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